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5 NDR best practices

Threats today continue to endanger the security of the enterprise at an alarming rate. In fact, a recent report by Positive Technologies found that cybercriminals...

3 lessons energy and utility cyberattacks have taught

Recent attacks indicate that energy and utility companies need to increase their security posture sooner rather than later. Because energy companies are so entwined...

Network intelligence with machine learning

Whether you’re monitoring an enterprise network for performance or security, you need a tool to help collect and process data. Data is good to...

Why you shouldn’t rely on packet analysis for threat detection

If you’re familiar with Plixer’s solutions, you’ve likely noticed that one of our main competitive differentiators is that our solutions don’t depend on packets but...

Why you should use NDR to combat ransomware

While it might seem completely counterintuitive to say so, ransomware is a huge business. Consider, for instance, that in 2020, ransomware payments increased by 311...

Why the conflict in Ukraine means more Russian cyberattacks for global enterprises

Russia’s attacks on Ukraine have created a wide outcry from nations and companies across the globe. The conflict has the potential to lead to...

Reassessing cyber threats for manufacturing

New technology has been a boon for the manufacturing industry. Connected technologies mean manufacturing firms can boost productivity, efficiency, and maximize their bottom lines....

5 retail cybersecurity statistics to help you understand the threat landscape

A cyberattack that disrupts business operations can have huge consequences for retail enterprises. Whether a network compromise causes the e-commerce site to go down,...

Using Your Network to Protect Healthcare Data

For nearly three decades, the healthcare industry has been combatting cyber threats.  A recent report by the HHS’s Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center details the scale and...

Why CISOs Should Consider NDR

The CISO is perhaps the most unlike any other in the c-suite position. Their chief responsibility, network security, requires deep technical prowess and a...